The Journal of Management and Development Studies (JMDS) is a bi-annual, ONLINE, open access, peer-reviewed journal in English that covers original researches in broad areas of disciplines, including Environment and Natural Resources Management, Agriculture, Land Valuation, Health Sciences, Public Management, Research and Development Management, Social Work and Entrepreneurship. It also publishes notes and reviews on relevant and timely subjects on management and development. The Journal of Management and Development Studies aims to cater to global or international readership, thus the broad composition of its Board of Editors and Reviewers. One volume a year may be published but supplements may be issued anytime as necessary.
JMDS is the official scientific online journal of the Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) of the UP Open University (UPOU). It started as the FMDS Research Bulletin, which was launched in 2012.
Current Issue
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023)