The Editorial Board of the Journal of Management and Development Studies consists of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor and selected experts in the fields covered by the Journal.

The Editorial Board Members assist the Editor and the Managing Editor with the identification of content and in providing the general strategic direction of the journal. The members of the Editorial Board are well-known and respected experts in their fields. They also serve as the technical experts who regularly monitor and evaluate the journal to ensure the production of relevant and high-quality publication.


Joane V. Serrano, PhD, University of the Philippines Open University
Primo G. Garcia, PhD, University of the Philippines Open University


Dr. Elliot H. Alhassan, University for Development Studies, Tamale-Ghana
Dr. Mohan P. Devkota, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Kunchon Jeotee, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand
Dr. Merlyne M. Paunlagui, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
Asst. Prof. Queenie R. Ridulme, University of the Philippines Open University, Philippines
Dr. Jeeranuch Sakkhamduang, Institute of Environment Rehabilitation and Conservation (ERECON) Southeast Asia Office
Dr. Rachel Sotto, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
Dr. Sri Wiyatiningsih, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, Surabaya, Indonesia 
Dr. Nur Hidayati, Agriculture Faculty, University of Islam Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Dr. Merites M. Buot, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
Dr. Maria Ana T. Quimbo, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines


Larry N. Cruz, University of the Philippines Open University


Noreen Dianne S. Alazada, University of the Philippines Open University