Philippine Nypa- and Village-Based Bioethanol Industry Research, Development and Extension (RDE): Glocal Convergence and Integration (GCI) Management for Inclusive and Sustainable Development

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Shirley C. Agrupis
Carmelo J. Esteban


A pilot project was initiated in 2009 to test and demonstrate the potential of a nypa- and village-scale-based bioethanol industry in the Philippines. It is village-scale aimed to churn direct participatory engagement of the local village people in the processing and production of bioethanol from nypa, a popular Philippine palm as the source of feedstock. It is nypa-based for it taps a huge domestic renewable bio-resource. The whole module is founded on the twin principles of inclusivity and sustainability through a glocal convergence and integration management scheme involving a number of local, national and international agencies, government and non-government, including local government agencies (LGAs) and peoples’ organizations (POs) with Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) taking the lead. Over the years of its operations, the project has gained various recognitions and awards meriting its performance of its goals and objectives. This paper accounts as its shares to the public the highlights of its 10-year and continuing experience in managing (partnership) convergence and integration that underscore how and why such continuing performance and enlarging recognition remains. The experience details and explains the role of management on how performance-based convergence and integration are conceived, executed and sustained over time. Central to this paper is the documentation on the application of the concept of glocal convergence and integration (Global CI) management whereby various significant role players from different sectors at the local, regional, national, supra-regional and global (international) scene are functionally orchestrated and mobilized together for a common end. Distinct and of special interest in the documentation is the role and intricacies of managing research, development and extension (RDE) for a fast emerging cutting-edge technology (CTech) like renewable and bioenergy in general and bioethanol in particular. Implications and recommendations are offered in the purview of priming and mainstreaming GCI in RDE for CETech or conventional technologies for inclusive and sustainable development (ISDev).

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How to Cite
Agrupis, S. C., & Esteban, C. J. (2019). Philippine Nypa- and Village-Based Bioethanol Industry Research, Development and Extension (RDE): Glocal Convergence and Integration (GCI) Management for Inclusive and Sustainable Development. Journal of Management and Development Studies, 8(1), 25–36. Retrieved from